
Kindness in Action


Introducing Our Monthly Giving Kindness Circle 

Tax Deductible Donation

At Project Kind, we believe in the power of collective kindness to create lasting change for our homeless community. Our Kindness Circle is an opportunity for you to become a steadfast beacon of hope, providing ongoing support that transforms lives on a consistent basis.

Homelessness knows no bounds, and every day, countless individuals and families face the harsh realities of life on the streets. With your commitment to our Monthly Giving program, you join a community of dedicated and compassionate donors who share the vision of a world where no one has to experience the cold grip of homelessness.

Why Choose Monthly Giving?

Sustainable Impact: Monthly donations provide a stable foundation that allows us to plan and implement long-term solutions for homelessness. Your continuous support enables us to provide essential services without interruption. 

Effortless Generosity: Setting up your monthly donation is a simple process that offers great convenience. Once you’re enrolled, your gift is automatically contributed each month, reducing administrative costs and ensuring that your impact is maximized.

Real Lives, Real Change: Your ongoing contribution directly translates into tangible outcomes for those we serve. Month by month, you’re helping to restore dignity, provide hope, and create pathways to brighter futures for our homeless neighbors.

Join the Compassion Circle Today 

By joining our Monthly Giving Kindness Circle, you’re becoming a beacon of hope for those who need it most. Your consistent support will help us continue to provide vital services and work tirelessly toward ending homelessness for good.

With heartfelt gratitude,

Jenny and the Project Kind Team


To make an immediate donation, consider Venmo (@projectkindcares) – they make it easy to donate to charity online.

Cash App

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